Triangulated Research
Covenant Eyes needed user-centered insights on brand perception and value proposition in preparation for a rebrand.
Covenant Eyes needed user-centered insights on brand perception and value proposition in preparation for a rebrand.
Actionable Research Outcomes
Two in-depth, actionable research reports delivered to Stakeholders and Executives
- Revised Demographics - New user data revealed a more male, educated, and urban/suburban customer base with higher income.
- Bonus Outcomes
- Valuable customer narratives
- Brand description vocabulary
My Role
To align stakeholders from multiple departments, including Marketing, Design, and Product, I facilitated stakeholder interviews and workshops to understand their goals, priorities, and perspectives. Potential areas of misalignment were revealed early on and addressed. The research inquiry was solidified, and research outcomes confirmed for each team.
I designed and executed a research plan to understand user sentiment towards the current brand, their expectations for the SaaS, their hoped-for ideal experience, and a competitor comparison
To align stakeholders from multiple departments, including Marketing, Design, and Product, I facilitated stakeholder interviews and workshops to understand their goals, priorities, and perspectives. Potential areas of misalignment were revealed early on and addressed. The research inquiry was solidified, and research outcomes confirmed for each team.
I designed and executed a research plan to understand user sentiment towards the current brand, their expectations for the SaaS, their hoped-for ideal experience, and a competitor comparison
Demographic study
Quantitative Brand Personality Survey
- Comparison of customer-defined demographics with recent marketing-commissioned study
Quantitative Brand Personality Survey
- Sent to loyal customers
- Define brand personality
- Explore user needs and goals with a few open text qualitative questions
Affinity Diagramming
Affinity Diagramming
- Interviews
- Open-ended survey responses

Affinity Diagramming - Interviews. Each interview participant is represented by a different color. Similar responses were grouped and labeled to surface insights through affinity diagramming.
Survey Analysis
- Confidence Level: 95% , Margin of error ± 6.93%
- Quantitative responses from rating scales and multiple choice questions determined brand personality dimension scores measuring how strongly the brand was perceived to have certain personality characteristics.
- Qualitative open-ended responses were coded and categorized to identify common brand personality themes and sentiments
- As a bonus, usability issues related to the SaaS were revealed including bugs, accessibility, and missing features.
- Other than location via IP address, demographics were not available in the customer database, so the survey and interviews included demographic questions.
- Customer-defined demographics were compared against the outcomes from an external source hired by Marketing and against internal assumptions.
- Enhanced Brand Understanding
- Statistically significant findings for brand personality identification led to the immediate removal of a website page inconsistent with brand perception.
- User interviews highlighted positive service experiences for marketing messaging and product prioritization
- Concerns about the logo surfaced, and was prioritized for rebrand
- Product Issues - Users expressed their experience on mobile, the primary method of SaaS use, needed significant improvement. Product prioritized this work.
- Competitive Brand Analysis resulted from the survey, providing insights for new marketing language re-bundled features and use cases for the SaaS, communicating a distinctive value proposition.
- Revised Demographics - New user data revealed a more male, educated, and urban/suburban customer base with higher income.
- Bonus Outcomes
- Valuable customer narratives
- Brand description vocabulary
Lessons Learned
This project's success hinged on collaboration across Marketing, UX, and Development. Cross-departmental engagement ensured efficient research execution and valuable outcomes.
This project's success hinged on collaboration across Marketing, UX, and Development. Cross-departmental engagement ensured efficient research execution and valuable outcomes.